Employee – Performance Review Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. WNL Products Employee Performance Review Employee Name *FirstLast review evaluation you Purpose of Review *3 month6 monthAnnualOtherAccountability - Accepts responsibility for actions and/or accomplishments *12345Punctuality & Attendance - Rarely absent, works required hours and arrives on time to work *12345Decision Making - Demonstrates effective decision making skills *12345Job Knowledge - Possesses, applies and demonstrates proficiency for the required position *12345Quality of Work - Produces neat, thorough and accurate work *12345Poliy & Procedure - Follows company policies and procedures *12345Completion of Assignments - Works effectively with given workload to successfully meet given deadlines *12345Cooperation - Ability and willingness to work with supervisors and others towards common goal *12345Safety Practices - follows safety rules *12345Overall Rating *12345Supervisors Comments/Remarks/RecommendationsEmployee CommentsName of manager doing the evaluation - by typing your name below, you confirm that you have completed the employee evaluation. *Employee - by typing your name below, you confirm that the evaulation has been completed. *Date *Date *Your email to receive a copy of the completed reviewEmployee Email to receive a copyComplete